American Gods is a television series created by Michael Green with Bryan Fuller and airs on Starz. The serial is based on a novel of the same name by Neil Gaiman. The series focuses on the so-called “Shadow Moon,” who is a man currently serving three years in jail for assault. However, with just days remaining on this sentence, he is given an unexpected release and finds out that his beloved wife (Laura) died in a recent car accident.

American Gods is a must watch for anyone into science fiction, mythology, and action. There are a few ways to watch American Gods online. Below we look at the best methods to stream American Gods across any device!

Live Stream American Gods Online with Sling TV

Sling TV is another great option for American Gods fans who’d rather subscribe to a service they can easily discontinue and offers dozens of channels. Since Starz is one of the channels provided as part of Sling TV’s service, you can stream American Gods whenever it airs live. However, in addition to the $20 a month for the basic package you’ll also need to subscribe to the ‘Starz’ add-on for another $9 a month. However, that $9 not only buys you Starz but also Starz Encore, Starz Kids & Family, Starz Comedy, etc.

Try Sling TV Free for 7 Days

Watch American Gods Online with AT&T TV NOW

You can also watch American Gods online and live via AT&T TV NOW. However, you’ll need to subscribe to the ‘Gotta Have it’ service for $70 a month. Yes, we know you’re thinking it’s an itsy bitsy bit expensive, but since you’re also getting 120+ channels which are streamed to your mobile device, computer, and Smart TV, it’s not a bad deal.  So, you’ll never miss MacGyver, The Walking Dead or The Blacklist etc. Plus, AT&T is throwing in free data! So, stream while you’re still young!



Watch American Gods Online Using the Official Starz App

The official Starz app (iOS and Android devices) will allow you to stream American Gods at home and on the go. However, you can stream American Gods for free if you’re a subscriber to the channel via a local cable service. But if that’s not the case, and you’ve happened to download the app you can watch American Gods for seven days free. After the trial period, you pay $8.99 a month. Unlike a local cable service, Starz does not require a long-term commitment!

Streaming American Gods on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon

Netflix and Hulu may not get all the episodes of American Gods. A few months back Starz pulled out all their content from Netflix, and it has no deal with in Hulu in place. If we were to guess its because the network wants people to use the Starz app!

If you’re an Amazon Prime subscriber you can grab the Starz app as an add on for free for 7 Days as an add on channel. It’s 9 bucks a month after that. Pretty good for a premium channel!

Try Amazon Prime Free for 30 Days

Episodes of American Gods can be downloaded from Amazon Prime. Though we think it’s a bit expensive at $2.99 an episode. That said it’s a good option for binge watchers.

Other Methods of Streaming American Gods Online for Free

As far as we’re concerned above are the only affordable, sane and legal ways to stream American Gods. Unless you’re a god yourself, we strongly advise against accessing a pirate stream as it can get you a lengthy jail sentence. Also, they don’t stream American Gods in prison!