Game of Thrones Season 5 Will be on iTunes– After it Airs
|Game of Thrones is by far the hottest show on television. So you’d think it would be easy to stream somewhere, right? Well, it got a little easier this year with the release of HBO Now, a service that allows you to subscribe to HBO, gain access to all Game of Thrones episodes as they air and all without a cable subscription! Finally, right? Well for some, that doesn’t work. Namely our international friends.
Many folks have been using iTunes to download episodes of Game of Thrones but, according to Apple’s Australian iTunes page for the show these episodes won’t be available until the show ends– June 16th.
Please note that all episodes will be available on June 16.
This isn’t anything new of course, in fact in previous years the episodes weren’t available on iTunes for months after a season ended. But many thought, in this day and age, that HBO would want to get the episodes out to users legally to curb any record breaking piracy that seems to happen every year.
Alas, perhaps next year HBO will allow users to purchase episodes as they air through any medium of their choosing. We wouldn’t hold our collective breath on that one, though. HBO would probably prefer you sign up for HBO Now instead. Most of us have no excuse not to anymore.
How do you stream Game of Thrones online? Are you waiting for the digital releases after season 5 ends? Or are you streaming the episodes via HBO Now or HBO Go? Or wait, let me guess— you’re torrenting the show anyway? Thought so. Leave us a comment below with your preferred streaming method of choice.