No Twin Peaks as a Netflix Original, David Lynch Back to the Showtime Refresh
|News back in early April reported that David Lynch and Showtime were suffering a rough breakup.
Fans turned to the internet petitioning to bring Twin Peaks back on one of the streaming services such as Netflix or Hulu as a new original series for one of the services. It seemed like a great opportunity after all, giving Lynch the creative freedom to develop the show with as little pressure from a “network boss” as possible.
But David Lynch squashed all rumors this week on Twitter, announcing that the show was still a go on Showtime but it also seems that he is still involved:
Dear Twitter Friends, the rumors are not what they seem ….. It is !!! Happening again. #TwinPeaks returns on @SHO_Network
— David Lynch (@DAVID_LYNCH) May 16, 2015
While certainly there will be those who are disappointed by the news, as there are likely fewer Showtime subscribers than Netflix or Hulu subscribers who would certainly all love to get access to the refresh.