Bernie Sanders to Appear on Real Time with Bill Maher May 27th
|Bernie Sanders was well known to Bill Maher fans long before his presidential run. He’s been a frequent guest of the show for years and many of his fans from back in the day never could have imagined his great success thus far (but they’re sure loving it now).
While no press release has been issued by HBO yet (as they normally do) we noticed at the end of the show credits where they announce the following week’s guests that none other than Senator Bernie Sanders will be appearing as the interview guest May 27th! The show will take a break for May 20th.
The show airs at 10PM PST/EST on HBO proper. That’s the good news. The bad news is since the show is live taped, it is not immediately available for streaming on HBO Now or HBO Go. Most fans have to wait until the following day to get their Bill Maher fix and now, their Bernie fix as well.
Everyone using their 30 day free trial for Game of Thrones may have to scrape their pennies together and subscribe to HBO if they want to watch (that trial will expire May 24th if you started it for Game of Thrones episode 1 on April 24th). That, or you can borrow a password (we would NEVER! ;))
Will he back off his attacks on Hillary? (doubtful)
Will he get out of the race? (why should he?)
Bill has been a big supporter of Bernie from the beginning. It will be a happy reunion and a friendly audience to be sure.
Whatever happens, it will be an incredible meeting of two of the most progressive minds in the American political landscape. We’ll be watching.
UPDATE: HBOWatch reached out to the Real Time team on Twitter and has confirmed that Bernie Sanders as the interview guest for 5/27 is indeed the plan!
That's the plan!
— Real Time with Bill Maher (@RealTimers) May 20, 2016