Yahoo! Screen Has Been Cancelled
|Yahoo! Screen, Yahoo’s jump into streaming video, is now gone. Yahoo! has confirmed via Variety that the service has seen its last days, all but confirming our biggest fears that ‘Other Space’ will not be given a second season anytime soon, at least not through the search company’s services.
Yahoo! Screen played host to the final season of the axed NBC comedy ‘Community’ giving the show and its fans a sendoff that was relatively well-received, however the service recently wrote off a 42 million dollar loss, all but ensuring it’s inevitable demise.
No word as to whether or not this service’s cancellations will have any affect at Yahoo’s attempt to proactively bid on more live streams of NFL games, but we don’t likely see this having too much of an effect, as live sports currently falls under a different Yahoo! umbrella.
Content once hosted on Yahoo! Screen has been moved to their Digital Magazine, where their original shows and video content are currently hosted. In other words, at least for the time being, ‘Community’ ‘Other Space’ and ‘Sin City Saints’ won’t be outright deleted, but there’s likely no time like the present to get watching if you had any intention of doing so (seriously, go watch ‘Other Space’).
We’ll update if we hear anything new regarding this breaking news.