Netflix Original Movie ‘The Ridiculous 6’ – Premiere Date, Trailer and More

the ridiculous six

Adam Sandler has the next few years of his career lined up nicely, as he has been tasked with creating a series of Netflix original movies.

We’re getting our first peek into ‘The Ridiculous 6’ the first of the Sandler series that premieres on Netflix December 11th, 2015. You can watch the trailer for ‘The Ridiculous 6’ below:

From what the above trailer offers, this seems to be pretty standard Adam Sandler movie-making with plenty of slapstick, a host of familiar faces, and jokes that your thirteen year old cousin will enjoy. You might catch yourself laughing a bit, but you’d never admit that to anyone, right?

The film is however not without its controversy, as the cast of Native Americans asked to act in the film staged a walkoff in protest of the film’s insult of their culture.

“The examples of disrespect included Native women’s names such as Beaver’s Breath and No Bra, an actress portraying an Apache woman squatting and urinating while smoking a peace pipe, and feathers inappropriately positioned on a teepee.”

The film deal between Sandler and Netflix brings an order for four original films.