Vudu Discounts All Emmy Winning Shows to 67 Cents
|The 67th Emmy Awards brought few surprises, as HBO absolutely cleaned up, some streaming shows did alright (Amazon original Transparent being a massive winner), and of course the ratings of the actual Emmy Awards show broadcast continued to drop despite Andy Samberg’s appeal among younger viewership.
But for those who care a bit less about the awards themselves and instead are just interested in finding some new shows to watch, Walmart’s streaming service Vudu, a competitor to Amazon Video, Google Play and iTunes is discounting all Emmy Award-winning shows to 67 cents per episode.
We’re not sure just how this deal will last, but as it stands now as we spot check each show that won an award, everything seems to be available under this new deal, including both HBO and Netflix shows, two services that keep their home-baked series normally pretty close to the chest.
Here’s what we know so far:
- Yes, Game of Thrones qualifies for this discount, you can get all the episodes available on Vudu for 67 cents each, this is as far as we know the cheapest they have ever been available (legally).
- Yes, you get to keep access to the shows as long as Vudu exists. In other words, this isn’t a rental. However this isn’t a straight download, it’s more just rights to stream the show whenever you want through Vudu.
- Vudu doesn’t have a monthly subscription cost, so you can just buy the shows or episodes you want to keep around.
- It appears to only be a discount on standard definition streams, HD doesn’t seem to have a discount applied.
We’ll update as we learn more but we’d assume this deal won’t be around for too long.
Now go rewatch the first season of Homeland, you know you want to.