America’s Next Top Model is a reality television show where aspiring models compete against each other for the title of “America’s Next Top Model,” and a chance to become a big name model. The show is created and produced by the famous model Tyra Banks and originally premiered in 2003. Each season is referred to as a cycle and was initially aired on UPN before it merged with The WP, and then The CW was created in 2006. The series was later cancelled in 2015 on the CW but later revived for VH1. It was and continues to be amongst one of the highest rated TV shows with advertisers paying north of $61,315 for every 30-second slot. America’s Top Model is the originator of the now Top Model franchise which has over 30 versions in various parts of the world.

Aspiring models or those who want to keep up with the beautiful people of the world can live stream America’s Top Model by using the methods below.

Watch America’s Next Top Model Online Using the Official Website

VH1 subscribers can live stream America’s Next Top Model by logging into the website either on their mobile device or a regular computer. The website, as well as the app which only happens to be available for iOS devices, also have episodes of the show which can be streamed but not live. Plus, the app does not have a live streaming option, so you’ll have to wait a while if the suspense does not kill you already! If becoming a subscriber is not your thing, and waiting is certainly unfashionable then consider the options below!

Live Stream America’s Next Top Model Online via AT&T TV NOW

AT&T TV NOW is AT&T’s live streaming or cord-cutting service as it’s called. The service streams an array of channels including VH1. A subscription starts at $35 a month and with the AT&T TV NOW app for iOS and Android devices amongst others you can live stream each episode of American’s Next Top Model on your device. In addition, to live streaming America’s Next Top Model, you can also stream Big Brother, Survivor, American Ninja Warrior, and other hit reality shows.


Live Stream America’s Next Top Model Online with Sling TV

Sling TV is also a cord-cutting service but one which starts at $20 a month. However, VH1 is part of its ‘Lifestyle Extra’ add-on for an addition $5. Still, it’s far cheaper than regular cable but with the added upside of being able to live stream on your iPhone, iPad and any Android device, not to mention a good old web browser. Thanks to being able to stream on the go, you’ll never miss another live episode of America’s Next Top Model, in addition to a truckload of other shows and channels.

Try Sling TV Free for 7 Days

Streaming America’s Next Top Model on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon

Netflix does not have the latest season of America’s Next Top Model. Though the show was available for as long as it was on The CW.

Hulu has seasons 1 through to 22 available for streaming. So, whether you’re new to the show or want to catch up on a previous episode being a Hulu subscriber pays off.

Amazon Prime only has up to season 11 of the show. Those who have not watched these seasons can download a season for $9.99 in HD.

Other Methods of Streaming America’s Next Top Model Free

Legal and free are two contradictory words when it comes to copyrighted shows like America’s Next Top Model. So, if its free then it’s probably illegal and that would mean that you’re breaching copyright law in which case you could end up in prison. Not everyone is Jeremy Meeks, but you don’t want to learn that the hard way!