Here are the Top Five Movies and TV Shows Streaming on Google Play
|From speedsters to superheros, animated sci-fi and hackers galore, below you’ll find the five most popular movies and TV shows streaming on Google Play. We absolutely loved Baby Driver and Wonder Woman, thought Spider-Man: Homecoming and War for the Planet of the Apes was pretty good, and we still have yet to watch the newest installment of the Pirates franchise (it sure feels like it has been a long time since the first rendition of that came out, no?).
Top five movies streaming on Google Play
Spider-Man: Homecoming
War for the Planet of the Apes
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
Baby Driver
Wonder Woman (2017)
Hopefully you got a chance to stand in line at McDonalds last month in hopes of getting your hands on some sauce, or something. Game of Thrones is still holding strong, even if Rick and Morty overthrew it this month. Mr. Robot is on its third season now, and we’re a little surprised at how much less press the series is getting, we’re not sure if it’s the show’s direction or if reality has gotten strange enough that the show isn’t necessary anymore. Of course The Walking Dead is still riding strong here, somehow, after eight seasons, things aren’t figured out. At some point this is going to have to end, right? Time will tell.
Top five TV shows streaming on Google Play
Rick and Morty (season 3)
Game of Thrones (season 7)
The Walking Dead (season 8)
Mr. Robot (season 3)
The Flash (season 4)