Amazon Prime Video Subscriber Numbers Revealed
|Streaming services are a new market of data. Unlike traditional television broadcasts, streaming content’s viewership can span months, or even years, as opposed to one single night of a new episode of a show airing. For example, Netflix doesn’t care when people watch content on their service, if it’s the day it releases, great, if it’s months later, that’s fine as well.
But tracking these numbers has been tricky, as most of the services have been cagey with their metrics. Netflix rarely releases viewership numbers for their shows, Hulu and Amazon are similar.
But today, leaked documents shed some light onto one of the world’s biggest brand’s, Amazon. Reuters picked up some exclusive documents showing that Amazon Video has a large, and growing user base of their streaming service, with 26 million people in the US accessing the streaming library.
And why is this important for Amazon? According to CEO Jeff Bezos, “When we win a Golden Globe, it helps us sell more shoes.” In other words, as people actively use Amazon’s streaming library, they see an increase in ecommerce transactions through their retail website. Not an obvious connection, that viewers of ‘Sneaky Pete’ might turn to immediately start shopping on, but the data suggests that this is the case.
Bezos has expressed interest in making Amazon Video the biggest entertainment company in the world, as more viewers switch from traditional cable and television broadcasts to digital streams.
While these numbers, when compared to the hundreds of millions of people who tune into traditional television, the growth rate is what should garner the most attention. Amazon, Netflix, Hulu and others continue to grow at a rapid clip, and there are certainly no signs that they will be slowing down their expansions.